Care Deserts
Access to care is a key factor in individual and community health, as well as overall health equity. So HSR.health has launched a Care Desert Initiative to identify the locations and communities in the United States where healthcare resources are severely deficient and may constitute a significant barrier to care for millions of Americans.
Please see our Care Deserts story maps for more details on our Care Desert initiative.
The Care Desert Initiative further identifies the impact insufficient healthcare resource availability has on outcomes. Care Desert are identified by:
State, County, ZIP Code, Census tract, or user-defined regions
Distance (e.g., 5 miles, 10 miles, 50 miles) to population centers
Drive time from population centers
Social factors (e.g., age, education, transportation)
Health outcomes (e.g, suicide rate)

Understanding Care Deserts is an important step in increasing awareness of the often-overlooked issue of healthcare accessibility.
Leveraging data from authoritative, federal sources as well as from private data providers, the Care Desert Analysis offers guidance to public health decision makers and policy makers on the allocation of limited health resources to have the greatest impact on improving outcomes. This initiative publicizes how geography contributes to both health problems, and likewise, health solutions.

Pharmacy Care Desert
This Pharmacy Desert analysis increases awareness of an often-overlooked healthcare access issue: that many Americans across the country lack basic access to pharmacies. We aim to identify those communities and publicize how geography can contribute to public health concerns. HSR.health's Pharmacy Desert analysis identifies multiple locations in the United States where pharmacy resources are severely deficient and may constitute a significant barrier to care for millions of Americans.

Women's Health Care Desert
Women comprise 50.8% of the U.S. population and have specialized biological and psychosocial attributes that necessitate specialized care. Women’s health is comprised of three main dimensions:
Primary Gynecological Care: this refers to the care provided by primary care physicians and gynecologists and concentrates on the health and function of biological structures and processes unique to women.
Obstetric and Maternal Care: this refers to the care provided to pregnant women during the prenatal period, gestation, and immediately after birth.
Family Planning and Fertility Control Care: this refers to care provided to women as it pertains to their ongoing control of their fertility, contraception, and family planning.
Given their major proportion in our demographics, it's clear to see that unmet healthcare needs of women will affect our nation as a whole.

Kidney Care Desert
Kidney Care Desert Analysis increases awareness of an often-overlooked healthcare access issue: that many Americans across the country lack basic access to kidney care resources. We aim to identify those communities and publicize how geography can contribute to public health concerns. Our Kidney Care Desert Analysis identifies multiple locations in the United States where kidney care resources are severely deficient and may constitute a significant barrier to care for millions of Americans.

Mental Health Care Desert
HSR.health's Mental Health Desert Analysis increases awareness of an undertreated issue with significant barriers: that many Americans across the country lack basic access to mental health care. We aim to identify those communities and publicize how geography can contribute to public health concerns. Our Mental Health Desert Analysis identifies multiple locations in the United States where mental health resources are severely deficient and may constitute a significant barrier to care for millions of Americans.